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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Da Nang tourism

Golden Hand Bridge - Ba Na Hills

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Ba Na Hills Danang tourism map

2018 just proved that Ba Na Hills, if not the must-see place in Da Nang, then it’s certainly the most attractive right now. The opening of Golden Bridge has given Ba Na hills the popularity like never before. But if you don’t know much about Ba Na Hills other than the Golden Bridge, then our article will help you to spend a wonderful day here. Are you ready?  Booking Đa Nang Airport Taxi to Ba Na hill Transfer from to 220.000đ Ba Na Hills Overview Located just 35 kilometers away from Da Nang city on Nui Chua mountain, Ba Na Hills is a favorite resort and tourist destination to domestic and foreign travelers alike. Enjoying a cool and moderate climate, Ba Na Hill station was praised as ‘Da Lat of Da Nang city’ ever since the hill station’s inauguration in 1919, built by the French colonists. [caption id="attachment_8593" align="alignnone" width="3481"] Ba Na Hills Danang tourism map[/caption] The name ‘Ba Na’ comes from Katu language of the local ethnic m

Da Nang’s international fireworks festival

The month-long Da Nang fireworks festival opened on Saturday night with performances by Vietnam and Russia. The Vietnamese team lights up the Han River in the central city to kick off the 2019 Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF). This is the 10th edition of the annual festival. DIFF 2019, with the theme "Stories by Rivers," will feature eight countries, the others being Italy, Brazil, China, Britain, Belgium, and Finland. Vietnam's performance, titled "Legends of the Two Banks," told the story of Da Nang’s efforts to develop and integrate. In its 20-minute performance, Vietnam used 4,000 fireworks with various effects and matching music. They included shell fireworks, Roman candle fireworks, comets, bombette. The wind was not strong enough to blow the smoke out of the way, affecting the view from the main stands for spectators. The Russian team came right after Vietnam with a mix of high- and low-altitude fireworks. This is the second time Russia is